Friday, June 19, 2015


            My work shows flowers that you can find anywhere, or even in a flower bed. In my work, I tried to show it as flowers in a flower bed. These flowers are on of the first things I see in the morning when I go to leave for school. They have always been full and bright in the morning. Also the way the sun shines on them in the morning is the most beautiful thing. I chose this theme because I like the natural beauty of flowers and I love how delicate they are. Even though I edited these pictures to make them not look as they normally would, you can still see that they are delicate and that they have beauty in whatever color they are. I thought flowers would be a nice touch for me because I enjoy getting flowers from people and having them there. I love nature and no matter where it is I will always stop to look at them and how beautiful they are.
            For this project I had really wanted to get the garden decorations in the background and create a low depth of field piece. I really had wanted to capture those because it would have helped defend my original idea of "things to find in a flower bed besides flowers." I couldn't seem to get my camera to focus or have my f-stop focused in on the right aspect I needed it too. I did achieve the ability to change my idea and colorize the pictures. I enjoyed this theme because I was able to show that even if they aren't real colors of flowers they can still be just as beautiful as they were before. I edited my photos in photoshop by taking all four of the pictures and first going into the image>black and white tab and making the photos black and white. I then changed the contrast of the pictures. After that I added a blank layer and locked my original picture so I didn't mess with the original picture and only painted on the layer mask. I then used my quick selection tool to select the petals carefully and make sure that I didn't get any of the background to get any unnecessary color.
            The strongest image in my series would have to be the bottom right photo. I had taken this picture head on unlike some of the other ones. It had a nice composition in the way that it was taken. That was my favorite picture out of all the ones I had wanted to use. Even though it wasn't my theme in the end, I like the way I was able to capture the flower with the light behind it and everything else behind those was blurry. The other pictures were taken at more of an above view where this one you could see what was around it and what else was there. The photo that was the weakest image would be the top left. This flower wasn't all that full like the other ones are. This one was starting to wilt and loose its petals. The other ones had most of there petals and had been standing nice and tall. The flowers were hard to choose from though because I wanted to try and get all the flowers to look as close in size and shape as possible. But most flowers aren't always going to be the same size, shape and/or color.
            If I could change anything about my work, I would try and see how the images looked when editing it differently. Instead of making the picture black and white I would leave the full color and try to create the low depth of field. I would have changed the levels and curves in a different way to see the lighting would do for the rest of the picture. Also, I would see what other things I could do with the pictures that I had. I think I should have made all the pictures be taken from the same angle. Instead of three of them being an above view I would make it an eye level view.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Colorize Reflection

            The strongest technical aspect of my work would be the clarity of the picture. It was a nice day so when I set up my camera I had the light hitting it in just the right way so it made the picture look nice. The technical aspect of my work that I could improve on would be selecting the areas and making them look neater and having the patience to fix them completely and changing the size of the tool to make it cleaner.
            The easiest part of this project would have been taking the picture and making it in black and white. Also, changing the certain areas into different colors was also another easy part of this project. It was easy because you just had to find a color you liked, pick the area you want it in, and then color it in. The hardest part of this project was using photoshop to color the picture. I had a difficult time selecting the area that I wanted to color. It took a long time for me to finally understand how to do it and for me to have the patience to select the area.
            I demonstrated colorize in this project by taking a picture and using photoshop to make it black and white. After changing the colors, you can change how it is shaded to make it look like a solid color or a lighter color so it is more realistic. If I could do this activity again I might have changed the picture that I had so there wasn't as much detail in it as there is in this one. I might have tried to take a picture that wasn't so light that I didn't need a pastel color.

Colorize Contact Sheet

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Clone Reflection

            The strongest technical aspect of my work would have to be the way I edited them to look like there are multiples in the picture. I made sure I was careful to not erase certain parts of the picture to make them look unrealistic. I also made sure I was careful enough to line everything up just perfectly. The technical aspect of my work that I could improve on was not moving the camera so much. For the most part all of my pictures lined up just perfectly but some so the props I used like in the last picture of my sister doing laundry, she had moved the towel a little bit which made things harder.
            The easiest part of this activity was setting up my camera to have it take a series of photos. I used my tripod so that I was sure to not move my camera to much and that the pictures were taken all the same way. The difficult part of this activity for me was using photoshop to color in the people on different layers. It was hard because you had to be extremely careful with what you were doing and so you didn't erase anything else besides what you needed to be there.
            I demonstrated cloning in this activity by having an area where I was able to take a series of photos of my siblings doing different things around the house. I set up my camera on a tripod so I was able to capture everything exactly instead of having some pictures possibly be crooked. If I could do this art activity again I think I would change where I was or even what I was doing. Also, I would set up my camera in a different way and to see what other things I could have done.


Clone Contact Sheet

Friday, May 15, 2015

Scale Reflection

            The strongest technical aspect of my work was being able to line up the picture the right way to make it look like my siblings were sitting in the car or even standing in the cup. This is the strongest aspect because it was easy to tell them where they need to be in order to make the picture look realistic. The technical aspect that I could improve on is fixing the levels and curves better. Some of my pictures are darker and they look funny when you changed the levels and the curves because they were either to dark, light, or zoomed to far.
            The easiest part about this art activity was setting up the camera and the person in the picture to make it look like they are doing something that seems to not be really possible. It was the easiest part because when you found the object to use and make it look realistic, you were able to adjust what you were doing and make it look possible. The difficult part of this activity was finding out what you were going to do and how you were going to make it work. If you found one thing and you didn't have enough distance it was hard to make things look like they were bigger than the object behind it. It was hard to come up with ideas and make them seem like they were going to be a real picture.
            I demonstrated scale in this activity by using my siblings as the background object and finding some of their toys as the front object. I used them in a way that they would look like they could really fit into what i was trying to do. I had to zoom in on certain pictures to make it look like they were actually sitting in the car. At times I had to get up closer to the object to make it look bigger and have my siblings go farther back than they originally were to make them fit. If I could do this project again, I think I would change where and how I portrayed some of the pictures. I would have also found other objects in which they could make it look more like scale.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Blur Motion Reflection

             The strongest technical aspect in the photo on the bottom is the way it has created an illusion. It is showing a way that the flag pole is in front of me but at the same time it also looks like it is behind me. The technical aspect that I could improve on is waiting for a moment to take the picture. If I had waited longer I may have been able to capture a cooler effect with the light and had to illusion in the background like the second picture look nicer.
             The easiest part of this activity would be finding a good way to move the flagpole to get a cool motion and illusion behind it. It was the easiest because in previous picture you can see what looks cool about the movement and you can recreate the same motion multiple times if you need. The  difficult part of this project was giving yourself enough time to take the picture. If you didn't give yourself enough time, you could end up with only a small amount of light or a lot of light.
             I demonstrated blur motion by changing the settings on my camera to make it capture the light slower while it was still able to move the light in my final picture. Also, I used the flagpole to move the light to create the blur that I show. If I could do this project again and differently, I think I would try to find another way to move the flagpole to create a better illusion. Also I would try to use different colored glow sticks and played with the colors more.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Blur Motion

                                                 Blur Motion