Friday, June 5, 2015

Colorize Reflection

            The strongest technical aspect of my work would be the clarity of the picture. It was a nice day so when I set up my camera I had the light hitting it in just the right way so it made the picture look nice. The technical aspect of my work that I could improve on would be selecting the areas and making them look neater and having the patience to fix them completely and changing the size of the tool to make it cleaner.
            The easiest part of this project would have been taking the picture and making it in black and white. Also, changing the certain areas into different colors was also another easy part of this project. It was easy because you just had to find a color you liked, pick the area you want it in, and then color it in. The hardest part of this project was using photoshop to color the picture. I had a difficult time selecting the area that I wanted to color. It took a long time for me to finally understand how to do it and for me to have the patience to select the area.
            I demonstrated colorize in this project by taking a picture and using photoshop to make it black and white. After changing the colors, you can change how it is shaded to make it look like a solid color or a lighter color so it is more realistic. If I could do this activity again I might have changed the picture that I had so there wasn't as much detail in it as there is in this one. I might have tried to take a picture that wasn't so light that I didn't need a pastel color.

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